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Scheduling Engineer

Where did your passion for engineering come from?

I have always been fascinated by the way things work, and the technology behind them. That gained a focus at school, where I enjoyed maths and science, and exploring the world around me.

As I began to consider my career options, I realised I wanted to be part of the community that strives to find innovative technical solutions to the increasingly complex problems the world was facing.

What advice would you give women considering an engineering career?

Don’t worry that it’s still a male-dominated field. It’s changing fast. Women have overcome stereotypes and barriers in every industry over recent years, and engineering is no different. We definitely still need more women in the field to increase diversity of thought and, together, I know we will achieve great things. So I would say: pursue your passion, be open to learning, and have confidence in your abilities.

Remember: anything is possible if you work hard and stay focused on your goals. The path to becoming an engineer can be demanding but, in the end, it is highly rewarding.

What are some of the less well-known achievements of Smiths engineers?

It’s no surprise that a highly-regarded global engineering organisation like Smiths can point to numerous design and production achievements – not least in the award of thousands of patents.

But our engineers have also helped to create safe standards in our workplaces - by identifying potential hazards, designing systems that mitigate risks and implementing safety protocols.

Safety and wellbeing are at the forefront of everything Smiths does, and that’s reflected in the top-scoring comments in our employee surveys. The care for colleagues at this company gives all of us the confidence and capacity to innovate, collaborate and produce at our best.

Career path

  • Bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering, whilst managing a family business
  • Joined Mouwasat Hospital as a control unit engineer
  • Began at Smiths Detection as a scheduling engineer - Saudi Arabia & Bahrain
  • Courses include:
    • Business analytics Nanodegree programme
    • NEBOSH (International Diploma in occupational health and safety)
    • Electronic engineer - trainee
    • Biomedical engineer – trainee
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We need more women in engineering to bring diversity of thought and, together, we can achieve great things.
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