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The primary role of the Board is to lead Smiths in a way that ensures its long-term sustainable success. The Board is responsible for approving Smiths strategy and for overseeing its implementation. 

MG 0365

Board diversity

In line with the Board’s Diversity Policy, the expectation is that members of the Board, and each Board Committee, should collectively possess diversity of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability and ethnic, socio-economical and professional backgrounds, in addition to cognitive and personal strengths, and a combination of skills, experience and knowledge. This is important for the effective operation of the Board, and its Committees, and oversight of the Group.


Board of Directors

Steve Williams
Steve Williams
Steve Williams
Steve Williams
Appointed: 1 September 2023

Skills and experience: Steve has over 40 years of global experience, most recently as Chairman and CEO of international businesses. Steve brings a clear focus on ESG matters and has a strong track record of growth and transformation and in creating value for customers, shareholders, employees and communities as both an executive and non-executive director. Steve has a BSc in Engineering.

Career experience: Steve was previously a non-executive director at TC Energy Corporation. Steve served as an advisory Board member of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission and a Board member of the business council of Canada until 2019. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Suncor Energy Inc., the US and Canadian listed integrated energy company, from 2012 to 2019 and as President from 2011 to 2018. Steve spent the first 18 years of his career at ExxonMobil in the UK, in a variety of commercial, operational, and technical roles.

Role Profile - Chairman
Committee Chair
NC Nomination & Governance Committee SC Separation Oversight Committee
Committee Membership
RC Remuneration & People Committee
Other significant appointments

Chairman of Alcoa Corporation and Non-executive Director of Enbridge Inc

Roland Carter
Roland Carter
Chief Executive Officer
Roland Carter
Roland Carter
Chief Executive Officer
Appointed: 26 March 2024

Skills and experience: Roland has a strong track record of innovation, sustainability and delivering results, with deep operational and strategic experience developed over three decades at Smiths. He has extensive international experience, having worked in France, Germany, the US and China. Roland is a Chartered Engineer, holding both a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a Master’s degree in electronics.

Career experience: Prior to Roland’s appointment as Chief Executive Officer, he had been with Smiths Group for more than 30 years, holding numerous leadership roles within the business. Before being appointed Chief Executive Officer, Roland was President of Smiths Detection, President of Asia Pacific for Smiths Group and President of Smiths Interconnect.

Role Profile - Chief Executive
Julian Fagge
Julian Fagge
Chief Financial Officer
Julian Fagge
Julian Fagge
Chief Financial Officer
Appointed: 1 February 2025

Skills and experience: Julian is CFO of Smiths Group plc, a global industrial technology company and FTSE 100 constituent. Julian is a highly experienced leader, with a strong focus on value accretion and growth. He is experienced in strategy development, M&A and finance, and he qualified as a chartered accountant.

Career experience: Prior to becoming CFO, Julian was President of Smiths Interconnect. He joined Smiths as Group Financial Controller in July 2013 and was appointed to Group Strategy and M&A Director in October 2017 and appointed CEO of Flex-Tek in 2019. Prior to Smiths, he spent two years at Royal Caribbean Cruises as Finance Director for UK Ireland and prior to that, he worked for 12 years at Procter & Gamble, based predominantly in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also a non-executive Director for NASCIT plc.

Role Profile – Chief Financial Officer
Other significant appointments

Independent Non-executive Director, NASCIT plc

Pam Cheng
Pam Cheng
Non-executive director
Pam Cheng
Pam Cheng
Non-executive director
Appointed: 1 March 2020

Skills and experience: Pam’s experience in the areas of R&D, manufacturing, sales and marketing, commercial operations, supply chain management and technology strengthen the Board’s discussions about embedding world-class operations. Pam holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master’s degree in chemical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey and an MBA in Marketing from Pace University, New York.

Career experience: Pam is Executive Vice President, Global Operations, IT & Chief Sustainability Officer at AstraZeneca plc, a multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company. Pam assumed additional responsibility for the AstraZeneca sustainability strategy and function in January 2023. Prior to joining AstraZeneca in 2015, Pam was President of MSD (Merck & Co., Inc.) in China. Pam previously held various engineering and project management positions at Universal Oil Products, Union Carbide Corporation and GAF Chemicals.

Committee Membership
RC Remuneration & People Committee IC Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee
Alister Cowan
Alister Cowan
Non-executive Director
Alister Cowan
Alister Cowan
Non-executive Director
Appointed: 1 July 2024

Skills and experience: Alister has experience at complex global public companies and brings deep and wide-ranging experience in key end markets for Smiths, notably in the energy and chemical sectors. Alister is a graduate of Heriot-Watt University in the UK and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, having qualified whilst at KPMG.

Career experience: Alister was Chief Financial Officer of Suncor Energy Inc., the US and Canadian listed integrated energy company, from 2014 to 2023. Prior to joining Suncor, Alister served as Chief Financial Officer of Husky Energy Inc. from 2008 to 2014. Before joining Husky Energy, he held various positions with companies throughout Europe, New Zealand and Canada.

Committee Membership
AC Audit & Risk Committee SC Separation Oversight Committee
Other significant appointments

Independent Non-executive Director and member of the Audit and Environmental, Health, and Safety & Operational Performance Committees at The Chemours Co.
Non-executive director and member of the Audit Committee at Pembina Pipeline Corporation

Ann Dowling
Dame Ann Dowling
Non-Executive Director
Ann Dowling
Dame Ann Dowling
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: 19 September 2018

Skills and experience: Dame Ann is internationally recognised for her contribution to engineering research. Her knowledge and background in engineering, innovation and sustainability offer a different perspective to Board discussions. Dame Ann has a degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Engineering.

Career experience: Dame Ann has had a distinguished academic career and currently holds the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor and Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cambridge. She served as Head of Engineering for five years until 2014. Additionally, Dame Ann was the President and Chairman of Trustees of The Royal Academy of Engineering from 2014 to 2019. She also served as Non-executive Director of BP plc from 2012 to 2021, where she was a member of the Safety and Sustainability Committee.

Committee Chair
IC Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee
Committee Membership
RC Remuneration & People Committee
Karen Hoeing
Karin Hoeing
Non-executive Director
Karen Hoeing
Karin Hoeing
Non-executive Director
Appointed: 2 April 2020

Skills and experience: As a current executive with experience of oil & gas, defence, security, and aerospace, Karin brings considerable guidance in ESG and sustainability matters, as well as executive and non-executive succession planning. As Chair of the Smiths Remuneration & People Committee, Karin oversees workforce engagement by the Non-executive Directors. Karin holds a Diploma in Geophysics (MSc Geophysics) from the University of Hamburg, Germany.

Career experience: Karin is Group ESG, Culture and Business Transformation Director at BAE Systems plc. Prior to this she was Group Human Resources Director. Before joining BAE Karin led one of the major international business divisions at Schlumberger, a multinational oil services company. Karin spent 20 years at Schlumberger, where she held several senior HR, marketing, technology and line management leadership positions across Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Committee Chair
RC Remuneration & People Committee
Committee Membership
NC Nomination & Governance Committee IC Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee
Other significant appointments

Non-Executive Director at 25x25.

Richard Howes
Richard Howes
Non-executive Director
Richard Howes
Richard Howes
Non-executive Director
Appointed: 1 September 2022

Skills and experience: Richard brings valuable insight to Board discussions, drawing on his extensive experience in senior financial roles across various sectors within large, listed companies. He holds a BSc in Geography from Loughborough University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). 

Career experience: Richard currently serves as Chief Financial Officer of Bunzl plc, the specialist international distribution and services Group. Richard qualified as a Charted Accountant with Ernst & Young before moving to the investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. Prior to joining Bunzl in 2019, Richard held CFO positions at various multinational businesses including Inchcape plc, Coats Group plc and Bakkavor plc.

Committee Chair
AC Audit & Risk Committee
Committee Membership
NC Nomination & Governance Committee SC Separation Oversight Committee
Simon Pryce
Simon Pryce
Non-executive Director
Simon Pryce
Simon Pryce
Non-executive Director
Appointed: 1 February 2025

Skills and experience: Simon is a highly experienced business leader of customer focused, global, industrial manufacturing and service businesses, with a strong track record of value creation. He has held several Chief Executive Officer positions at listed companies with direct experience of Smiths Group’s key end markets, customers and supply chains. Simon is a Chartered Accountant.

Career experience: Simon is the Chief Executive of RS Group plc, a FTSE listed, digitally enabled, global distributor of product and service solutions for process industry maintenance, repair and operation’s needs. He was appointed into the role in April 2023. Prior to that he was Chief Executive of Ultra Electronics Holdings plc between 2018 and 2022 and Chief Executive of BBA Aviation plc between 2007 and 2018. He was a non-executive Director of RS Group from 2016 and Remuneration Committee Chairman from 2020 until his appointment as CEO.

Committee Membership
AC Audit & Risk Committee SC Separation Oversight Committee
Mark Seligman
Mark Seligman
Senior Independent Director
Mark Seligman
Mark Seligman
Senior Independent Director
Appointed: 16 May 2016

Skills and experience: Mark’s extensive non-executive background, including as senior independent director and audit committee chairman at several FTSE 100 companies, is valuable to our Board. During the year Mark was appointed to the role of Senior Independent Director. Mark has significant experience in corporate finance and capital markets, which supports Board discussions on portfolio management and strategy. Mark has an MA in philosophy, politics and economics.

Career experience: Mark is a former senior investment banker. During his executive career he held various roles at Credit Suisse, including Chairman of UK Investment Banking.

Senior Independent Director
Committee Membership
AC Audit & Risk Committee NC Nomination & Governance Committee SC Separation Oversight Committee
Other significant appointments

Senior Independent Director at NatWest Group plc; Alternate member at Panel on Takeovers and Mergers for the Association for Financial Markets in Europe; and Chairman of the Trustees, Brooklands Museum.

Noel Tata
Noel Tata
Non-Executive Director
Noel Tata
Noel Tata
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: 1 January 2017

Skills and experience: Noel has had a long and successful global business career, providing him with extensive knowledge of the high-growth economies which are crucial for our strategy. His contribution to developing key strategic relationships in Asia has been invaluable since joining the Board. Noel has a BA in Economics.

Career experience: Noel was the Managing Director of Tata International Limited (TIL), a global trading and distribution company and a trading arm of the Tata Group, a privately owned multinational holding company, until November 2021. Since then, he has held the role of Director and Non-Executive Chairman of TIL.

Committee Membership
NC Nomination & Governance Committee IC Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee
Other significant appointments

Each of the following companies forms part of the Tata Group: 
Non-independent Non-executive Chairman at Tata Investment Corporation, Trent Ltd and Voltas Ltd. 
Non-independent Non-executive Vice Chairman at Tata Steel Limited and Titan Company Ltd.
Chairman of the various Trusts that constitute the Tata Trusts and also Chairman, Tata Trusts.

Matthew Whyte
Matthew Whyte
Company Secretary
Matthew Whyte
Matthew Whyte
Company Secretary
Appointed: 1 August 2021

Skills and experience: Matthew is a Chartered Company Secretary and a Fellow of The Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland. Matthew joined Smiths in 2017 having previously gained governance and legal experience in senior roles in large multinational listed groups in a variety of sectors, most recently at Schroders plc and Rio Tinto plc. Matthew is a member of the GC100 Executive Committee.

Board Committees

In order for the directors to effectively fulfil their collective responsibility the Board has established the Audit & Risk, Nomination & Governance, Remuneration & People, Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence and Separation Oversight Committees.

Committees and their members

Each Committee has authority delegated to it by the Board, and each year the Committee chairs report on their Committee activities in the Annual Report.

Richard Howes

Richard Howes, Committee Chair

Ensures the integrity of the Group’s financial reporting and audit processes, and the maintenance of sound internal control and risk management systems, including oversight of the Internal Audit function and the Group’s ethics and compliance activities. Manages the relationship with the external auditor, including making recommendations to the Board and shareholders in relation to the appointment and reappointment of the external auditor. 

Steve Williams

Steve Williams, Committee Chair

Reviews and makes recommendations to the Board on the structure, size and composition of the Board and its Committees. It also leads the process for Director appointments and Director and senior management succession planning. Oversees the ongoing suitability of the Group’s governance framework. 

Karen Hoeing

Karin Hoeing, Committee Chair

Responsible for the Group’s Directors’ Remuneration Policy and reviews and oversees the Group’s remuneration strategy for the Executive Directors and senior management. Oversees, on behalf of the Board, the implementation of the People strategy for the Group, including the Group’s approach to diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Ann Dowling

Dame Ann Dowling, Committee Chair

Oversees the Group’s culture and approach to innovation, sustainability and excellence (ISE). This includes overseeing: the company’s strategy (as it relates to innovation and technology); the Group’s sustainability strategy; the Smiths Excellence System (SES); and reviewing and determining ISE targets, metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) relating to remuneration. 

Steve Williams

Steve Williams, Committee Chair

Review and recommend to the Board the method, terms and timing of any divestment or demerger (together the ‘separations’) of Smiths Interconnect and Smiths Detection (the ‘businesses’), along with the use of any proceeds.

Audit & Risk Committee

Chair Members
Richard Howes Alister Cowan
Mark Seligman
Simon Pryce

Nomination & Governance Committee

Chair Members
Steve Williams Karin Hoeing
Richard Howes
Mark Seligman
Noel Tata

Remuneration & People Committee

Chair Members
Karin Hoeing Pam Cheng
Dame Ann Dowling
Steve Williams

Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee

Chair Members
Dame Ann Dowling Pam Cheng
Karin Hoeing
Noel Tata

Separation Oversight Committee

Chair Members
Steve Williams Alister Cowan
Richard Howes
Simon Pryce
Mark Seligman
  Audit & Risk Committee Nomination & Governance Committee Remuneration & People Committee Innovation, Sustainability & Excellence Committee Separation Oversight Committee
Chair Richard Howes Steve Williams Karin Hoeing Dame Ann Dowling Steve Williams
Members Alister Cowan Karin Hoeing Pam Cheng Pam Cheng Alister Cowan
  Mark Seligman Richard Howes Dame Ann Dowling Karin Hoeing Richard Howes
  Simon Pryce Mark Seligman Steve Williams Noel Tata Simon Pryce
    Noel Tata     Mark Seligman
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