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VP Sustainability and ESG

Ben joined the Smiths family in the year 2000. He is now based in Smiths Group, UK as VP of Sustainability and ESG.

What is the main reason you have stayed with Smiths?

I have had the privilege to have worked in different divisions, countries and functions throughout my career at Smiths.  I have also been given the opportunity to change career three times - initially starting in procurement and supply chain, before moving into finance and finally - where I find myself today - as VP of Sustainability and ESG.  Each move has been supported by professional qualifications and there have been many role changes within each area.  You can have many careers within one organisation and that is the real attraction that ensures I never run out of motivation. It really has been an incredible journey.  

What is your proudest achievement at Smiths?

I have worked on so many interesting and diverse projects over the years that it’s difficult to pick just one.  I have really enjoyed establishing new facilities throughout the world, and delivering complex global projects and all the teamwork that is very much part of that.  Perhaps my proudest achievement that I continue to work towards every day is bringing together a very diverse skill set to lead the sustainability mission for Smiths Group with my brilliant team in a company I know so well.

What makes Smiths company culture stand out?

The support of its employees and the enthusiasm of everybody within it.  We have faced many difficult challenges over the years and will no doubt face new challenges in the future.  It’s the support of colleagues and working environment to work together that I have seen demonstrated time and time again.  I have made so many friends here over the years.

What makes Smiths a great place to work?

It’s the diversity of opportunity and the willingness of the organisation to realise personal ambitions that make Smiths such a rewarding place to work. This is only possible through great teamwork, and I have always felt supported throughout my career, in actions as well as words. My ambition to move into sustainability has meant going back to study at the University of Cambridge for the MSt in Sustainability Leadership – an opportunity I would never have thought possible.  To be surrounded by so many inspirational individuals has been truly transformative, and all this has been supported by Smiths.

Tell us about one of your best moments here at Smiths?

I always get my greatest satisfaction from helping others achieve their ambitions; helping people achieve success in whatever form that is for them. Seeing the pleasure they get and how proud they are to tell their colleagues, friends, and family is always incredibly satisfying.

What advice would you give to colleagues who have just started their career at Smiths?

There are so many opportunities at Smiths, enjoy them and explore them all.  Reach out to as many people as you can and share the dream of your future self, I guarantee someone will be listening to take you down that path.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Reflect more on the journey, read widely and appreciate nature and the environment.

What makes you excited for your future at Smiths?

Smiths has a rich history of change within its DNA. The companies which made up Smiths Group when I joined have evolved and new businesses added in exciting new markets. It’s this flexibility to seize the opportunities to address the world’s greatest challenges that makes Smiths Group’s future so encouraging. 

We stand at a cross roads of significant social and technological change and I believe Smiths engineering expertise, the skills and drive of everyone within it will play a pivotal role. The future is what we imagine it to be.

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We stand at a cross roads of significant social and technological change and I believe Smiths engineering expertise, the skills and drive of everyone within it will play a pivotal role. The future is what we imagine it to be.
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