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Wet Seal & System Engineering Manager

What drew you to engineering as a career?

I’ve always loved doing riddles and puzzles. Engineering is all about identifying and tackling problems - and, when you overcome all the challenges and solve them, there is a huge sense of achievement.

There’s no area of our work or life that engineering doesn’t have a tangible impact on. Right now, there are some very serious problems facing our world – from climate warming and security, to data demand and communications integrity - and we engineers are at the very heart of the work that will solve them.

Have you got any advice for women wanting to enter engineering?

If, like me, you enjoy wrestling with an ‘impossible challenge’, with the conviction there is always a ‘possible solution’, then this is the career for you. It’s a never-ending journey of honing your problem-solving skills, a calm and positive outlook, and collaboration with a wide variety of people.

To succeed, it takes organisation and discipline but also a lot of creativity in the way you apply your knowledge and experience to a task. My motto in life is ‘Information is power’, so I’d urge you to proactively keep up with technical trends and maintain a broad knowledge-base, work on your communication skills and generally keep learning. It will pay dividends and pave the way for a very rewarding career.

Why work at Smiths?

Joining Smiths will give you the opportunity to learn from and work with some of the smartest engineers around – an increasing number of whom are women who are actively welcomed and recognised for the unique value they bring to the company.

Smiths has a conscious culture of inclusivity, equality and opportunity. If you are willing to work hard, you’ll be helping to tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems. It doesn’t get better than that.

Career path

  • Degree in chemical machinery engineering, Tianjin University: 2007
  • Entered Graduate scheme at Smiths and John Crane, commencing as Trainee: Jul-Dec-2007
  • Wet Seal System Engineer: Dec 2007 to Jan 2013
  • Sealing Systems Group Leader: Feb-2013 to Jan-2018
  • Engineering Manager Wet Seal & System: Jan-2018 to present
  • Gained Lean Six Sigma Green Belt qualification whilst working at Smiths
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A career in engineering has enabled me to continuously acquire problem-solving skills, a calm attitude and full sense of achievement.
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