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Watch and download presentations from Capital Markets Day 2021

See our first virtual capital markets event and find out how we are building on our strong foundations to deliver on our significant potential, at pace.  

Smiths is pointed in the right direction and now, through our focused plan ‘the Smiths Value Engine’, set to accelerate. 


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Visit our virtual Capital Markets Day exhibition by clicking on the image above.

Watch the full Capital Markets Day 2021

Learn more about the Smiths strategy, financial strength, and ESG commitments, and how each of our businesses are accelerating growth and value creation.

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Watch the individual presentations

Capital Markets Event 2021 Smiths Value Engine

Smiths Value Engine

Paul Keel
Chief Executive Officer

Capital Markets Event 2021 Financial Framework

Financial framework

John Shipsey
Chief Financial Officer

Capital Markets Event 2021 Sustainability


Amy Simpson
EVP Energy Transition

Capital Markets Event 2021 Main

Closing Remarks

Paul Keel
Chief Executive Officer 

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Capital Markets Day Q And A

John Crane Deep Dive 2023

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MG 0475

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