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Anti-modern slavery and transparency statements

Smiths Group and its subsidiary companies are committed to upholding high ethical standards wherever we operate around the world. This commitment includes maintaining all internationally-recognised human rights, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and ensuring our operations and supply chains are free of human trafficking and slavery. It applies whether we are acting through our employees or third parties.

We require any individual or entity acting on our behalf to know, understand and abide by the laws and regulations applicable to their conduct. This includes employees, agents, distributors, and other third party representatives. The Smiths Group Modern Slavery Statement sets out the steps taken by Smiths Group and its subsidiaries covered by the UK Modern Slavery Act and California Transparency in Supply Chains Act to address modern slavery trafficking in its business and supply chains.


For the latest information on the below, please see our policies page:

  • Code of Business Ethics
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Modern Slavery Statement
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Transparency in Supply Chains Statement


View latest and previous reports/statements:

Modern Slavery Statement FY2024 Call to action arrow icon

Modern Slavery Statement FY2023 Call to action arrow icon

Modern Slavery Statement FY2022 Call to action arrow icon

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement FY2021 Call to action arrow icon


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