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Smiths assesses the GHG emissions associated with all its global operations for all four of its operational businesses and its central business. We have developed a GHG Inventory Management Plan (IMP) that outlines our methodology to ensure systematic and appropriate GHG inventory data collection, manipulation and management to produce a relevant, credible and transparent GHG inventory that will support our near-term and long-term goals. The IMP includes methods to estimate direct emissions from Smiths’ operations (Scope 1), indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2), and value chain emissions (Scope 3).

We disclose scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions data at both Group and business level, which can be viewed here.

The methods prescribed in the IMP conform to the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance.


Smiths is committed to a complete, accurate, and transparent inventory process and results. Smiths corrects identified data gaps and errors in a timely manner and makes required procedural changes as necessary to avoid repetition of errors. To this end, Smiths annually monitors whether updates to the referenced sources of emission factors have been issued and utilises any updated emission factors in all relevant inventory calculations.

Updated emission factors may trigger a base year adjustment. The IMP is reviewed and updated annually during and after completion of the yearly emissions inventory to reflect any structural or methodological changes. In addition, Smiths’ divisions and Group review monthly reporting from Smiths sites looking for anomalies and errors.

We retain a third-party Assurance provider to review and assure our Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions inventories.

KPMG LLP were engaged by Smiths Group to provide limited assurance over the information described below for FY2022, FY2023 and FY2024 data in alignment with ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410.

Energy use and GHG emissions FY2024 FY2023 FY2022
Global energy use MWh 215,0273 218,0942 223,7091
Energy efficiency MWh/£m adjusted revenue 713 76.32 86.111
Energy efficiency MWh/£m non-adjusted revenue 693 - 82.861
Scope 1 (direct) emissions tCO2e 19,6873 19,6942 19,5911
Scope 2 (market-based) emissions tCO2e 21,0723 25,9552 32,1931
Total Scope 1 & 2 emissions tCO2e 40,7593 45,6492 51,7841
Scope 1 & 2 year-on-year change % (10.7)% 3 (11.8)% N/A
Scope 3 (value chain) emissions tCO2e 1,170,0003 1,380,0002 1,450,0001

1 Limited assurance provided under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410 by KPMG. See FY2022 IMP and FY2022 Assurance Opinion.
2 Limited assurance provided under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410 by KPMG. See FY2023 IMP and FY2023 Assurance Opinion.
3 Limited assurance provided under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410 by KPMG. See FY2024 IMP and FY2024 Assurance Opinion.


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