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Our unique engineering capabilities and pioneering spirit position Smiths strongly to support customers on their journeys to decarbonise and deliver next-generation efficient and sustainable infrastructure and processes.

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Diana Houghton
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We see a future where the widespread green electrification of everything - from industrial processes to transportation to buildings - will gain increasing traction. Power derived from renewable energy will support this transformation as electrical infrastructure is decarbonised across the globe.

Where this isn’t possible, we would expect low- and no-carbon fuels supported by carbon capture as well as specialist production and transportation infrastructure to take the place of traditional fossil fuels. We play in all these sectors:  Smiths uses its strength in engineering and technology to contribute in ways that are sustainable, resilient and pragmatic.

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Green Building

Delivering net zero GHG

In 2023 we published our net zero/climate transition plan detailing how we will reach our target of net zero Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2040 and net zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050. 

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Water Flowing Through Forest

Respecting natural resources

Natural resources are finite, and we believe that all businesses have a responsibility to use them respectfully and safely.

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Sustainability Development Goals White Background

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our business activities and the way we operate enables us to contribute in a meaningful way to seven of these critical global goals.

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